
We work with Landowners to assess, implement, manage and sell the units from their Biodiversity Gain Sites.

What We Offer

Biodiversity units can provide your business with a robust income source whilst retaining the ownership of your land. We will work with you to facilitate BNG and support sustainable land management.

We understand the pressure of developing a diversified income and using your land for maximum profit. Each landowner has different circumstances and requirements and, as such, we take the time to understand them and how this can be achieved.

With an extensive background in agriculture, farming and land management, our team is perfectly placed to guide you right from the initial baseline ecology survey through to the sale of the BNG units which have been created.

“We’ve had an excellent experience working with ILM on our BNG project. We find them to be forward-thinking and helpful navigating the complicated emerging market for BNG credits. Sam really understands farming and therefore all the pros and cons for me as a landowner signing up to the deal. Without help from ILM, it’s unlikely we would be looking at entering the market, and if we had, we would certainly not be as far forward as we are now without the expert guidance from ILM”

- George Portch, Dairy & Beef Farmer, Somerset

A birdseye view of a green valley with a meandering river running through it and large trees throughout the landscape

Whilst the concept is simple, the process of creating Biodiversity Gain Sites can become quite complex - but it doesn’t need to be.

That’s where we come in. We are able to discuss all areas of site creation and management, including existing biodiversity, ecologist recommendations, site size and location to ensure we achieve its best potential.

Head over to our Case Studies where we share real examples of how we are integrating Biodiversity Gain Sites into working farms.

Biodiversity Gain Sites

Each biodiversity gain site is entirely different, as is each landowner and their business. As a result of this, we assess each on an individual basis, developing a relationship with the landowner that will remain supportive throughout the 30-year duration of the contract if needed.

  • Generate reliable profits whilst retaining ownership of your land with sustainable land management.

  • By creating BNG units and preserving or enhancing biodiversity, farmers can ensure their land remains productive in the long term, reducing the reliance on unsustainable practices that can deplete soil health and resources.

  • Build resistance to environmental changes and climate variability. A biodiverse landscape is more adaptable to shifts in weather patterns, pests and diseases. This reduces the risk of crop failures and economic losses, making farming more secure.

  • Markets and consumers increasingly value sustainably produced food. Implementing BNG practices can open doors to premium markets and meet the demands of environmentally conscious consumers - safeguarding a farmer’s market access and profitability into the future.

  • Conservation covenants are an agreement between a landowner and a responsible body. This type of legal agreement gives you more flexibility over who the agreement is with.

    Find out more here.

How does it work?

A grey circle with an orange outline with an orange graphic inside of documents with a magnifying glass over them
  • We will conduct a comprehensive UKHab compliant Baseline Survey, using the Statutory Biodiversity Metric to provide a detailed assessment of the existing habitat conditions on your site. We will also evaluate the potential for biodiversity units that can be generated through habitat improvements and enhancements.

A grey circle with an orange outline with an orange graphic inside of a piece of paper curled on one side with a pencil poised over it
  • Biodiversity Gain Sites must be managed for a statutory minimum period of 30 years. This plan will detail the ongoing care, enhancement and protection of the newly established habitats. It will incorporate a timeline for habitat management activities to ensure the long-term health and success of the site.

A grey circle with an orange outline with an orange graphic inside of two speech bubbles
  • Working closely with the Local Planning Authority, we will gain the necessary approvals for the HMMP.

A grey circle with an orange outline with an orange graphic inside of a map booklet with a location pin over it
  • Leveraging our extensive network of developers, we will actively market and broker the sale of your biodiversity units. This includes advertising on all available platforms (as well as our own) and actively market and promote the units amongst developers.

A grey circle with an orange outline with an orange graphic inside of the ground with two little seedlings and a spade
  • The chosen habitats are established in accordance with the HMMP & Landscape Plan. With our expertise in habitat creation and ecological management, we will work with you to ensure successful establishment for years to come.

A grey circle with an orange outline with an orange graphic inside of a hand holding a seedling with a round arrow around it
  • After creating the habitats, the site is then managed for the statutory minimum period of 30 years. If required, we can also do this for you - we work with landowners on an individual basis to ensure the best outcome for you and for nature.

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